Girls in STEM. Extracurricular experience for a first approach to coding and robotic
Margherita Maria Sacco; Elena Liliana Vitti, Comprehensive Institute A. Pacinotti, Torino, Italy
Girls in STEM is a free extracurricular course designed to explore Scientific topic, in attempt to reduce the gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) University faculties. The center of the activities is coding and robotic, to take confidence whit computational thinking and facilitate learning by mistakes. Project takes place at I.C. Pacinotti and involves two tutor and 28 girls.
The school is located in a medium-low socioeconomic district and most of the
students decide to continue their academic career in technical or professional
institute. In context like this is primarily important help the kids to develop as
early as possible the skills required by XXI century society. Tutors applied to the
courses a didactic methodology designed on four pedagogical theories:
Cooperative Learning, Think-Make-Improve, Media Education, inductive and
deductive thinking. Because of the pandemic, Cooperative Learning method has
been adapted to the current prevention roles. The project represents a little attempt to continue inclusive school activities and to promote scientific studies for girls in the first cycle of education.
Video presentazione
Girls in STEM, media education, gender gap, coding, robotic, cooperative learning.
Track FabLearn Italy 2020
Robotica e Automazione nell’educazione curriculare e non curriculare, formale, non formale e informale.