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Best Paper Fablearn Italy 2020

Play with Chain Reaction during Pandemic


Sara Ricciardi e Fabrizio Villa, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF/OAS)
Stefano Rini, Equipe Formative Territoriali Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Valentina Ferrante
Luigi Anzivino, Exploratorium, San Francisco, USA


In this paper we highlight a tinkering activity proposed to local primary schools (Bologna Italy) during the first covid-19 lockdown when children were at home and experienced for the first time distance learning (from 25th February to the end of the school year). We also draw conclusions and future perspectives from our experience.

Video presentazione


Tinkering, constructionism, democracy and equity in education.

Track FabLearn Italy 2020

Didattica laboratoriale con approccio maker dalla Didattica a Distanza alla Didattica Digitale Integrata: modelli, metodi, strumenti e prospettive.